Kurular GmbH


Industry Sector

Food wholesale


Food and Drugstore Items


MARMARA Import-Export GmbH, Ratingen
(Head office and central warehouse)

MARMARA Import-Export GmbH, Düsseldorf (wholesaler market)

KURULAR Import-Export GmbH, Hannover (wholesaler market)

LEKO Import GmbH, Hannover (wholesaler market)

KULE Import GmbH, Frankfurt a.M. (wholesaler market)

Warehouse space

appr. 18.000 m²


appr. 200

Customer base

appr. 5.000

Own Brands

Marmara - Harika - Zeytuna - Shahane

Exclusive distributor for the
ollowing Companies and Brands in Europe

Sütaş, Aroma, Evyap (Arko, Duru), Lokma´s

Products carried

appr. 2.000

Main zones of activity

Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria

Growing markets Scandinavia, Great Britain, Eastern Europe, Switzerland, USA

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